- Unix is the only virus with a command line interface
- Windows 95 makes Unix look like an operating system
- How are we supposed to hack your system if it's always down!
- God is real, unless declared integer
- I'm tempted to buy the slashdot staff a grammar checker. What do they do for 40 hours a week?
- Paypal : Please enter your credit card number to continue
- It takes a million monkeys at typewriters to write Shakespeare, but only a dozen monkeys at computers to run Network Solutions
- Please help - firewall burnt down - lost packet - reward $$$
- If Linux were a beer, it would be shipped in open barrels so that anybody could piss in it before delivery
- Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle
- Perl, the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption
- Norton: Incoming virus - (D)ownload and save (R)un after download
- I had a dream... and there were 1's and 0's everywhere, and I think I saw a 2!
- You sir, are an unknown USB device driver
- C isn't that hard: void (*(*f[])())() defines f as an array of unspecified size, of pointers to functions that return pointers to functions that return void
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
- Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product
- NT is the only OS that has caused me to beat a piece of hardware to death with my bare hands
- Warning! Kernel crashed, Run for your lives !
- NASA uses Windows? Oh great. If Apollo 13 went off course today the manual would just tell them to open the airlock, flush the astronauts out, and re-install new one
- JavaScript: An authorizing language designed to make Netscape crash
- How's my programming? Call 1-800-DEV-NULL
- Yes, friends and neighbors, boys and girls - my PC speaker crashed NT
- root:> Sorry, you entered the wrong password, the correct password is 'a_49qwXk'
- New linux package released. Please install on /dev/null
- Quake and uptime do not like each other
- Unix...best if used before: Tue Jan 19 03:14:08 GMT 2038
- As you well know, magic and weapons are prohibited inside the cafeteria -- Final Fantasy VIII
- Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft...and the only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labo
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
jokes ?
- I'm sorry for the double slash (Tim Berners-Lee in a Panel Discussion, WWW7, Brisbane, 1998)
- Ah, young webmaster... java leads to shockwave. Shockwave leads to realaudio. And realaudio leads to suffering
- What color do you want that database?
- C++ is a write-only language, once can write programs in C++, but I can't read any of them
- As of next week, passwords will be entered in Morse code
- earth is 98% full ... please delete anyone you can
- A typical yahoo chat room: "A has signed in, A has signed out, B has signed in, B has signed out, C has signed in, C has signed out.."
- When someone says "I want a programming language in which I need only say what I wish done," give him a lollipop
- Warning! No processor found! Press any key to continue
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
- Shut up, or i'll flush you out
- Cron : Enter cron command \ Now enter the number of minutes in an hour
- We are experiencing system trouble -- do not adjust your terminal
- You have successfully hacked in, Welcome to the FBI mainframes.
- I'm sorry, our software is perfect. The problem must be you
- Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurling down the highway
- Webhost livehelp: Sir you ran out of bandwidth, User: Where can I download that?
- If Ruby is not and Perl is the answer, you don't understand the question
- Having soundcards is nice... having embedded sound in web pages is not
- My computer was full, so I deleted everything on the right half
- You have received a new mail which is 195537 hours old
- Yahoo! Mail: Your email was sent successfully. The email will delivered in 4 days and 8 hours
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Joke's ?
- Smith & Wesson: The Original Point And Click Interface
- Shout onto a newsgroup : It echoes back flames and spam
- Firewall : Intruder detected. (A)llow in (D)eactivate the firewall
- Real programmers can write assembly code in any language
- Warning! Perl script detected! (K)ill it , (D)eactivate it
- Firewall : Do you want to place a motion detector on port 80 ?
- Helpdesk: Sir, please refill your ink catridges Customer : Where can i download that?
- All computers run at the same speed... with the power off
- You have successfully logged in, Now press any key to log out
- Sorry, the password you tried is already being used by Dorthy, please try something else.
- Sorry, that username already exists. (O)verwrite it (C)ancel
- Please send all flames, trolls, and complaints to /dev/toilet
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
- Yes! My code compiled, and my wife just produced the output
- Windows 98 supports real multitasking - it can boot and crash simultaneously
- Zap! And there was the blue screen !
- Please send all spam to my main address, root@localhost :-)
- MailerD(a)emon: You just received 9133547 spam. (O)pen all, (R)ead one by one, (C)heck for more spam
- A: Can you teach me how to use a computer? B: No. I just fix the machines, I don't use them
- PayPal: Your funds have been frozen for 668974 days
- 1-800-404 : The subscriber you are trying to call does not exist
- 1-800-403 : Access to that subscriber was denied
- Error message: "Out of paper on drive D:"
- If I wanted a warm fuzzy feeling, I'd antialias my graphics!
- A printer consists of three main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light
- "Mr. Worf, scan that ship." "Aye Captain. 300 dpi?"
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
- Artificial intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Bell Labs Unix -- Reach out and grep someone.
- To err is human...to really foul up requires the root password.
- Invalid password : Please enter the correct password to (Abort / Retry / Ignore )
- FUBAR - where Geeks go for a drink
- I degaussed my girlfriend and I'm just not attracted to her anymore
- Scandisk : Found 2 bad sectors. Please enter a new HD to continue scanning
- Black holes are where God divided by zero
- Hey! It compiles! Ship it!
- Thank god, my baby just compiled
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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